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15 Idioms About Life


Idioms about life can be used to describe a wide range of human experiences and emotions, from happiness and success to disappointment and failure. They can also express different perspectives on life, such as the importance of taking risks, the inevitability of change, and the need to appreciate what we have.

Learning and using idioms about life can help us communicate more effectively and express our thoughts and feelings in a more nuanced and creative way. They can also give us insight into the culture and values of English-speaking societies, and help us appreciate the richness and complexity of the language.

What is an idiom about life?

An idiom about life is a phrase or expression that uses figurative language to convey a message or meaning about the human experience. It is a common way of expressing wisdom, observations, or emotions related to different aspects of life such as success, failure, happiness, and challenges.

Idioms about life can provide a unique perspective on how we view and approach life, and they are an essential part of the English language. Some examples of idioms about life include “life is a rollercoaster,” “life is a box of chocolates,” and “life is what you make it.”

15 idioms about life

Here are 15 common idioms about life:

1. Life is a journey, not a destination

“Life is a journey, not a destination” is an idiom that means that the process of living is more important than the result. It suggests that we should enjoy every step of our life’s journey rather than focusing solely on achieving a particular goal or outcome.

Example: An example of how the idiom “Life is a journey, not a destination” can be applied is by looking at the experience of pursuing a career. Many people often set a specific goal in their career, such as earning a certain salary, achieving a particular position, or reaching a certain level of success.

2. Life is a rollercoaster

“Life is a rollercoaster” is an idiom that means that life has its ups and downs, just like a rollercoaster ride. This idiom suggests that we should be prepared for the unexpected and be resilient in the face of life’s challenges. We should enjoy the highs and appreciate them, but also learn to accept and cope with the lows.

An example of how the idiom “Life is a rollercoaster” can be applied is by looking at the experience of a young entrepreneur starting a new business. Initially, the entrepreneur may experience a lot of excitement, anticipation, and hopefulness as they launch their venture, similar to the feeling of climbing the steep hill of a rollercoaster ride.

3. Life is a box of chocolates

“Life is a box of chocolates” is an idiom made famous by the movie Forrest Gump. It means that life is full of surprises and we never know what we’re going to get. Just like a box of chocolates, which contains an assortment of different flavors and fillings, life offers us a variety of experiences, opportunities, and challenges.

4. Life is not a bed of roses

“Life is not a bed of roses” is an idiom that means that life is not always easy or pleasant. It suggests that we will inevitably face difficulties and hardships in life, just like the thorns on a rose stem.

An example of how the idiom “Life is not a bed of roses” can be applied is by looking at the experience of a person who has faced numerous challenges in their life. For instance, a person who has grown up in poverty faced discrimination, or struggled with a chronic illness knows well that life is not always easy or pleasant.

5. Life is what you make it

“Life is what you make it” is an idiom that means that our lives are shaped by our choices, actions, and attitudes. It suggests that we have the power to control our destiny and create the life we want for ourselves.

This idiom encourages us to take responsibility for our lives, to set goals and work towards them, and to make choices that align with our values and aspirations.

6. Life is too short

“Life is too short” is an idiom that means that life is brief and time passes quickly, so we should make the most of our time and not waste it on things that don’t matter. It suggests that we should live our lives to the fullest, pursuing our dreams, and enjoying the moments we have with our loved ones.

7. Life is a game

“Life is a game” is an idiom that means that life is like a competition or a sport. It suggests that we have to compete, strategize, and make choices in order to succeed in life. Just like in a game, there are rules, obstacles, and opponents that we must navigate in order to achieve our goals.

8. Life is a dance

“Life is a dance” is an idiom that means that life is like a dance, with ups and downs, twists and turns, and different rhythms and movements. It suggests that life is about finding our rhythm, moving with grace and flow, and enjoying the journey.

9. Life is a balancing act

“Life is a balancing act” is an idiom that means that life is about finding balance and harmony between different aspects of our lives, such as work and play, family and friends, and personal and professional goals. It suggests that we must juggle multiple priorities and responsibilities in order to achieve a fulfilling and satisfying life.

10. Life is a gift

“Life is a gift” is an idiom that means that life is a precious and valuable thing that we should appreciate and cherish. It suggests that life is something that is given to us freely and that we should be grateful for the opportunity to experience it.

11. Life is like a mirror

“Life is like a mirror” is an idiom that means that the way we see and perceive the world around us is a reflection of our inner state of being. It suggests that the thoughts, emotions, and attitudes we hold within ourselves are mirrored back to us in the way we experience life.

12. Life is a learning experience

“Life is a learning experience” is an idiom that means that life is a journey of continuous growth and development. It suggests that every experience we have, whether positive or negative, can teach us valuable lessons that can help us to become wiser, stronger, and more resilient.

13. Life is a marathon, not a sprint

“Life is a marathon, not a sprint” is an idiom that means that life is a long and challenging journey that requires endurance, patience, and perseverance. It suggests that success and fulfillment are not achieved overnight, but rather require consistent effort and dedication over time.

14. Life is a puzzle

“Life is a puzzle” is an idiom that means that life is complex and challenging, and requires us to piece together the different elements of our experience in order to create a complete picture. It suggests that there are many different pieces of information, experiences, and perspectives that we need to consider in order to understand our lives and make sense of the world around us.

15. Life is a book

“Life is a book” is an idiom that means that life is a story that we write as we live it. It suggests that every experience we have, every person we meet, and every decision we make is a chapter in our narrative, shaping who we are and what we become.

Summary: 15 Idioms About Life

In summary, idioms are phrases or expressions that use figurative language to convey a message or meaning about the human experience. Here are 15 idioms about life:

  1. Life is a journey, not a destination – Focus on enjoying the process rather than just reaching the end goal.
  2. Life is a rollercoaster – Life has its ups and downs.
  3. Life is a box of chocolates – Life is full of surprises.
  4. Life is not a bed of roses – Life is not always easy.
  5. Life is what you make it – You have the power to shape your own life.
  6. Life is too short – Time is precious and should not be wasted.
  7. Life is a game – Life has rules, winners, and losers.
  8. Life is a dance – Life is a series of steps, movements, and changes.
  9. Life is a balancing act – Balancing priorities and responsibilities is important in life.
  10. Life is a gift – Life is something to be grateful for.
  11. Life is like a mirror – What you put out into the world is often reflected back to you.
  12. Life is a learning experience – Every experience in life has something to teach us.
  13. Life is a marathon, not a sprint – Consistency and endurance are key to success in life.
  14. Life is a puzzle – Life is a complex and challenging puzzle that requires patience and persistence to solve.
  15. Life is a book – Every person’s life is a story that is waiting to be told.